The earlier you recognize this, the better:  It’s a journey!

In most cases, there is no deadline…

  Yes…I do save some things for awhile.  This calendar message was from May of 2022.  When I see messages that I would like to reflect on at a future point in time, I put them to the side.  Apparently, there is also no deadline to reflecting on these little messages and here we are, 26 months later!
     I love this message because it emphasizes the importance of physical fitness in our journey to live our best life.

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The gym teaches us so much about life.  Some great lessons include: 1) nothing worth having comes easy, 2) achieving worthwhile goals involves a series of small steps, 3) we all start somewhere and it’s most important that we simply start, 4) what was once hard won’t always feel that way, and 5) we are all unfinished projects with opportunities to improve.
     That was just five examples….but I could probably identify dozens more.  Take those same lessons though and they can be applied to any area of our life.  Want to improve your finances?  You can apply those lessons.  Want to level up in your profession?  You can apply those lessons.
     The gym is more than about aesthetics or training towards your next goal.  It helps us practice and adopt the skills that will support us elsewhere in our lives.  Just as I might view an exercise in my training session as “an opportunity to practice” a skill or strategy…showing up regularly at the gym is “an opportunity to practice the skills that will help us be more successful in life.”
     One might say “I can practice those skills without exercise or stepping foot into the gym.”  And, I’d probably say you are partially right.  Yes, you can adopt that mindset or approach to your life goals.  However, without a healthy body and mind, you have a ceiling for that success.  
     You can be making the efforts to improve your life financially, but without a healthy body and mind, the money spent on “healthcare” costs such as medications, co-pays and time lost at work due to illness can potentially impact your ability to truly be successful.  
     You might have a goal of improving your family dynamic.  However, the unhealthy person might not be able to fully put their best self forward due to their health or physical limitations.  I know because I have been there.  Maybe you are slightly more reluctant to have your picture taken with family because you don’t like your appearance or perhaps you can’t fit on the ride with your child because you are too large for it.  I remember those feelings.  
     Too many folks look for the next “6 week” program thinking that they just need to do that and they are good to go.  You live in your body for a lifetime.  Your approach to fitness, nutrition, and wellness needs to reflect that.  
     As the final line of the calendar page suggests, “you have to keep pushing yourself past your comfort zone if you want to stay strong.”  What that means to people will vary from person to person.  For some, it might mean learning that you are capable of curling more than a 5 lb dumbbell, or that you can learn a more balanced approach to eating.  For some, it might mean joining a gym despite how anxious you are at the thought of doing so, or working with a coach because your way isn’t working. 
     In closing, I offer you these words of encouragement:  the time spent working on improving your physical self will translate greatly to how we approach other areas of our life.  What it costs you in time, will be returned back to you in the form of a more fulfilling, higher quality of life…and that is priceless. 

Your friend in health and wellness,

Coach Candice   

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